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Bermondsey air hostess, 19, has been training ‘all over the world’ for first London Marathon – Southwark News



Bermondsey air hostess, 19, has been training ‘all over the world’ for first London Marathon – Southwark News

A Bermondsey air hostess has been training all over the world to prepare for her first London Marathon, which she is running for her sister.

Tayler Heppell said she had never really run before – so she was surprised when she got into the race after more than 500,000 people applied.

The 19-year-old told us: “I wasn’t expecting to be accepted. I wasn’t a runner so I’ve been training hard.”

Tayler said she works on long-haul flights all over the globe, so she has been trying to fit in a run any chance she’s got – in some exciting places.

“I’ve been training all over the world – Central Park in New York, Florida, Jamaica, Mauritius. I go away around four to five times a month.

“Then on my days off I train locally around London and Tower Bridge.”

‘Haylie will be cheering me on!’

When asked about her inspiration for this year’s race – Tayler said: “My sister, Haylie.”

Haylie, 17, was born with a very rare condition called Trisomy18Q – which means she experiences speech and language delays, Hypotonia and learning difficulties.

Tayler’s chosen charity Mencap, helps people like Haylie to become independent – such as breaking down the barriers for them to find a job.

She has managed to raise over £1,500 so far, commenting: “Hopefully, it can go towards helping someone else in the future.”

On how her younger sister feels about her racing, Tayler added: “She’s excited about me running – and will be there to cheer me on!”

Click here to donate to Tayler’s cause.

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