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Heaven nightclub is biggest crime generator in borough – Met



Heaven nightclub is biggest crime generator in borough – Met

A spokesman for the Met Police told Westminster’s licensing sub committee: “This nightclub… it’s the highest crime generator in the borough, in the number of incidents reported to the police.

“In terms of sexual assaults, in the last six months there have been 16 reports to the police.”

He said that there were a total of 109 crime reports to the Met Police in the last six months, in relation to the nightclub.

Jeremy Joseph, owner of the club which is based off Villiers Street, told the meeting that the reason it was the highest crime generator was because “we’re told we have to report absolutely everything”.

“We’re the largest venue” in Westminster, he added, pointing out that the club had a total capacity of 1,725 people.

The Met Police noted that all venues were told to “report absolutely everything”.

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