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Lib Dem Mayoral candidate tells Khan to ‘get a grip’



Lib Dem Mayoral candidate tells Khan to ‘get a grip’

Shocking new figures show that shoplifters are increasingly using weapons in London.

Metropolitan Police crime figures reveal that shoplifting with a weapon is up 61% since Sadiq Khan became Mayor.

In 2016 there were 541 recorded crimes of shoplifting with a weapon, tool or firearm. By 2023 this figure had risen to 874.

The figures were obtained by Liberal Democrat London Mayoral candidate Rob Blackie under the Freedom of Information Act show that shoplifting offences have risen from 47,215 to 57,414 per year during Sadiq Khan’s term of office.

Rob Blackie said, “Shoplifting is now at epidemic levels in London and the trend in the use of weapons is deeply worrying. This is not a ‘victimless crime’ – especially for retail staff who are being threatened and local businesses which are suffering huge damage.

“Despite this, the police attend less than half of all shoplifting incidents in London. This leads many people to feel like it has been virtually decriminalised and emboldens criminals who think they won’t get caught.  We need a Mayor who will get a grip on this.

“Londoners feel the effect of the lack of police on our streets and the chaos surrounding the culture in the Metropolitan Police. That’s why I’ve pledged to reallocate the money from Sadiq Khan’s Tube fare freeze towards policing where it’s needed most.

“With this money, we can get 300 more police on the streets for the next four years and make up the shortfall in the Met Police’s Turnaround Plan.”

Mr Blackie visited Ben Selvaratnam, 40, owner of a convenience store in Croydon, today (Friday). Mr Selvaratnam has been attacked with a bottle by shoplifters a number of times, once leaving him with wounds requiring 20 stitches.

A spokesman for the Association of Convenience Stores said: “For too long shoplifting has been regarded as a minor crime but it has a profound impact on retailers. We urge the police and those in authority to take it more seriously and ensure that officers attend every call-out where violence is involved.”

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