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Vote Lib Dem to fix the Met



Vote Lib Dem to fix the Met

As voters head to the polls, Lib Dem Mayoral Candidate Rob Blackie has urged Londoners to back the Liberal Democrats on all three ballot papers to Fix The Met.

Blackie, who revealed in recent weeks how he was left with a titanium neck after an attempted mugging in Vauxhall, has focused his campaign on reform of the Metropolitan Police and implementing the Casey review.

In particular, he called for the creation of a Sexual Offences Unit to drive up the number of sexual offenders being caught in the capital – after the number halved since 2016.

Ahead of polling day, Blackie reiterated that the Conservative Party “could not win” but that current Mayor Sadiq Khan “does not deserve to win”.

In a final message to voters, Rob Blackie said, “Sadiq Khan has failed on crime and the Liberal Democrats are the only party putting forward a serious plan to Fix The Met.

“Since the Mayor took office in 2016 the police are catching rapists and sexual offenders half as often. This is a scandal and further proof that Khan does not deserve to win.

“The Conservatives are in free fall across the country and it is clear that they cannot win in London. Don’t take my word for it, just look at any opinion poll or listen to what they say about themselves.

“Londoners that want change with a party focused on fixing the Met Police should vote Liberal Democrat on all three ballot papers tomorrow.”

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