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Qantas redirects Perth to London route to avoid Israel airspace



Qantas redirects Perth to London route to avoid Israel airspace

Qantas has been forced to redirect its non-stop flight route between Perth and London to avoid flying over parts of the Middle East due to fears of an attack.

QF9 (Perth to London) will now fly with a stopover via Singapore but the return QF10 service (London to Perth) will still operate directly to Perth, due to prevailing winds.

The change in flight path is due to fears Iran is planning an imminent attack on Israel.

Qantas has redirected their flights from Perth to London due to fears of an attack in the Middle East. (Getty)

“We’re temporarily adjusting the flight paths for our flights between Perth and London due to the situation in parts of the Middle East,” a Qantas spokesperson said.

“We’ll reach out to customers directly if there’s any change to their booking.”

The redirection will allow the plane to refuel and still carry a full load of passengers.

It’s believed this disruption will be in place for the next few days at least.

Other Qantas London flights (QF 1 and 2) are unaffected as they operate on different flight paths.

President Joe Biden said he expects Iran will attack Israel “sooner than later”, according to CNN.

“I don’t want to get into secure information but my expectation is sooner than later,” Biden said to reporters when asked how imminent an Iranian attack on Israel would be.

When asked what his message to Iran is right now, the president said, “Don’t”.

Biden said the US was “devoted” to their defence of Israel.

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